Oh well... I guess I'll be stomping into Richmond with my squat and deadlift, but limping in with my bench press. I'll take that - as long as we can get to and from the meet without injury, and making decent attempts.
Last week, I was blessed to hit an all-time deadlift PR, including squat suit lifts. That was Monday with 530 lbs. Tuesday, I finally locked out that elusive raw 285 bench, but I'm not sure it would have passed in competition. Please check them out on youtube, here are the links -
Bench press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyDXdDwxNRg&feature=channel_page
Deadlift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4wOI3bVM9c&feature=channel_page
There are no videos of the squat workout, but I made another gym PR of 435, which is 5 lbs. more than the current Maryland state raw record. If I'm able to do that on the platform, we're in the books! (at least until someone breaks it)
Hopefully, I'll get a raw total around 1240-1250 this weekend. I'll be leaving for Richmond on Friday. Tomorrow, I plan to do a few light lifts and practice the competition commands. All week, I'm envisioning myself doing everything right for a great meet. Results and video soon.