Monday, July 6, 2009

Weight update and my last heavy deadlift before Nationals

I weighed 199.5 lbs this morning, but my scale is off a bit. My real weight is probably 195-196. Also, my waist is up to 33.5 inches, but that was after drinking water and coffee. This ties the biggest my waist has been in the past 3 years, which I translate as the highest my bodyfat % has been. Bodyfat is still relatively low, as I can still see some abs without flexing (I can still go to the beach in 2 weeks! ). This is also the heaviest sustained weight I've been at with my current workload, so I'll gladly take it.

Here's how today's workout went. The notation I use is pounds/reps, with ";" or "," separating sets. If I use (for example) 150/10, 10, 10, that means I used 150 lbs. for 3 sets of 10.

1. Deadlift - sumo style
140/6; 230/4; 290/2; started alternating grip: 340/2; added belt: 390/1
515/1 - this matches my best ever sumo, from Oct. '08. This didn't feel like a max effort this time. Video shows that the bar swayed front/back as I locked out. I'm pretty sure you don't get red lighted for that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'll post the video at the end of the week along with the squat and bench highlight.

After a looong rest trying to help someone who asked me for advice and thought he was getting his carbs from his protein (yes, that's what he said)...

2a. Pull-thrus - cable w/rope attachment
130/15, 15, 15

2b. Standing crunch - cable/rope
130/30, 20, 21

2a/2b means I was alternating from one exercise to the other with a normal rest period between sets.
I'm feeling good about deadlifts right now. I think I basically hit my opener and 2nd attempt tonight. Will do some singles at 425 or so next Monday, along with some abs.
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